2015 - Leipzig‚ Germany
Leipzig, Germany
31st May 2015
hosted by: Heinz-Ulrich Kammeier from Germany
written by: Rune Moe from Norway
participants: Jan Syvertsen from Norway
Rune Moe from Norway
Christer Danielsson from Sweden
Michal Dominik from Slovakia
Heinz-Ulrich Kammeier from Germany
Gunter from Germany
Ralf from Germany
Jörg Wenk from Germany
Dag from Norway
Anders from Norway
Dag, Jan Syvertsen and myself traveled early morning from Oslo Airport, May 29 2015. From Berlin we traveled with the train to Leipzig.
It was a sunny day when we arrived the Markgraf Hotel outside Leipzig city centre. It was good to meet “old” friends from AdA, including 3 German members of WLAS who also attended the Oslo meeting 2014. In the evening we had dinner at a Hungarian restaurant called Váradi Csárda. Good food and of course a taste of the Hungarian schnaps “palinka”.
Saturday morning it was the AdA meeting at Bühmheims Literatursalon. It was nice to do some trades with other collectors and also to meet Michal Dominik from Slovakia, member from Germany, member from Norway and Christer Danielsson from Sweden, and of course some old friends I have met in former Ada meetings!
It was also nice to meet three Olympic medal winners who signed autographs for us; Roland Kostulski, Jens Lehman and Heike Fischer.
In the evening we had dinner at the Lulu Lottenschein restaurant nearby our hotel.
In the Sunday at 09:40, the official meeting was held at the Wintergarten at the Markgraf Hotel. 12 collectors from 4 different countries attended the meeting. Countries represented was Germany, Sweden, Slovakia and Norway.
The meeting started with Jan Syvertsen having a talk about WLAS and its development since our first meeting in 2013. We discussed our closed Facebook group and that the society should be exclusive and have “quality” members. The old open Facebook group changed the name from “World Leaders Autographs” to only “World Autographs”, as there are many other fields of autographs published by its members.
To become a member you have to be suggested by another member, and then be approved by the board.
Then, Heinz-Ulrich Kammeier from Germany spoke about the Oslo meeting in 2014, and Michal Dominik talked about the 2016 meeting which will be in Žilina, Slovakia in August 2016. The date is not decided yet.
Rune Moe talked a little about the cooperation with the ADA magazine. We need more articles from our members, which can be sent to member from germany or Rune. Deadline for next ADA magazine is June 30, but please send in some days before to guarantee it to be published.
At the end Dag from Norway had a very interesting lecture about the Nobel Peace Prize and his experiences to meet some of the laureates. He will write an article about it.
We would like to thank all for the participants!